Echo JS 0.11.0

fcambus 2617 days ago.
Hello Echo JS,

The site is six years old today!

As usual, some quick statistics:

24773 news posted (11.31 per day on average)
 8472 users
12044 followers on Twitter

For reference, here are anniversary posts from the previous years:

- Echo JS is one year old:
- Echo JS is two years old:
- Echo JS is three years old:
- Echo JS is four years old:
- Echo JS is five years old:

You can also follow us on Twitter (@echojs) if you haven't already:

maxpert 2600 days ago. link 1 point
It's weird feeling to know that a JS social/news website is still using a ruby backend :P (just saying)
7anshuai 2604 days ago. link 1 point

Inspired by Echo JS, i created a chinese JavaScript news site using the same source code a few years ago. Lately i rewrite the whole site with Node/Express/Redis/jQuery, add some new features like github login, simple full text search.

So can EchoJS accepts some changes, such as migrating to node.js, and add some new features?

The node.js version site:
Source code:

MaxArt 2616 days ago. link 1 point
Also for the new record on news posted in the last year!

How many comments, by the way?
sbruchmann 2616 days ago. link 1 point
The number of comments is probably being a bit skewed due to the `[Spam]`-reports.