Echo JS 0.11.0

FooBarWidget 3933 days ago.
Hi Echo JS, I'm new to this community but my experience with Node is fairly limited, so I hope you don't mind me asking questions so soon. I've noticed that my apps tend to break often because of Node changes. I also happen to be developing a Node application server which must obviously be compatible with multiple Node versions. So I want to test my code against multiple Node versions, but running './configure --prefix=/node/version && make' and messing with $PATH dozens of times seems suboptimal to me. I come from a Ruby background where we have all sorts of tools for managing multiple Ruby versions. I see that Node has that too - a Google search gave me nvm, nodist and n. Which one is recommended? Which one is most popular? Does the Node community recommend using a version manager at all?

pid 3933 days ago. link 2 points ||
312	downloads in the last day
2 269	downloads in the last week
16 724	downloads in the last month  this stats aren't fair to compare with 'n', read above
30	downloads in the last day
150	downloads in the last week
691	downloads in the last month
1	downloads in the last day
33	downloads in the last week
79	downloads in the last month

attention with 'nvm', because the repository linked in the npm registry is but there aren't any updates long time, it's a fork from and there the development takes place !!

If you compare creationix/nvm with visionmedia/n on github, the winner is creationix/nvm
... but I'm using 'n' ;-) but this isn't really a recommendation, because don't need it all the time and never checked if 'n' is better than 'nvm' or vice versa.
olalonde 3932 days ago. link 1 point
If your project is open source, you can also use Travis-CI for testing your code against multiple versions of node. There are also services for non open source projects.