Echo JS 0.11.0

twilfred924 1580 days ago.
Angular is an open-source, front end framework developed by Google and maintained by its team of Developers. It uses TypeScript for coding on it. It is the oldest framework out of all the frameworks. 

It was released in 2010 when there was no other framework. Being the only framework at that time, it enjoyed a lot of popularity. It was the frontrunner of frameworks at that time. 

But it had many problems of its own like Slow Performance, Poor Optimization, and laggy UI. Along with that, Facebook's Framework React was released in 2013 and it was gaining popularity quickly and by 2014, it ate up a lot of Angular's share.

This prompted Google to make quick changes. Therefore, a major change happened in 2016 with the launch of Angular2. It brought new changes and improved problems.

With the launch of Angular 9, its optimization has improved because of Ivy, a new compiler implemented by Google. Even after this, its market share at present is a shadow of its past.

Along with that, the interest of users in Vue has also hurt Angular so badly that it was the least searched framework out of the three last year.

However, Angular has many advantages over its competitors

Advantages of Angular
1. It has a large community of developers and users because of Google.
2. It contains built-in functionalities i.e. it doesn't require third-party libraries.
3. Programming quality on Angular is high when compared to other frameworks.
4. It has large community support because of Google.
5. It is regularly updated with one major update every 6 months.

Disadvantages of Angular
1. Since it uses TypeScript, the user must have knowledge for coding on it.
2. It has a steep learning curve.
3. It is the heaviest of all the frameworks with a bundle size of 500KB. 
4. Angular facilitates clearer readability of the code and maintains consistency.

Future Scope of Angular
To be fair, Angular has lost a lot of its market share to Angula4 and Vue. But still, all is not lost for Angular. Developers of Angular are still the highest-paid. Angular developers are hired by major companies like Google, Microsoft, IBM, and Cisco.

If the demand for developers doesn't reduce and it is maintained timely, then it can again become the leader.