Echo JS 0.11.0


tracker1 2942 days ago. link 1 point
Okay, now add in authentication, client-side routing, menus with security profiles, remote api calls, and a host of other features.

The hoops that you have to learn to get started with react+redux, webpack, babel, node, etc. is still easier than starting a Java application, for example... harder than C#.  Yes, there are tools needed...

I've had to support some pretty big applications with straight JS, and will tell you it's horrible, and doesn't work well at all. You wind up with a lot of troubles, more spaghetti, and even more dead ends, or repeated non-modular code.  The last one took me several hours to fix a bug that would have taken 5 minutes in a more modern JS project structure.

Some people support angular, I prefer react only because there are fewer surprises, and the JSX model is cleaner imho than angular's template dsl.
gotofritz 2942 days ago. link -1 point
What a load of bollocks. As if writing an app from scratch in Ruby, Python or Java wasn't exactly the same.
thatgibbyguy 2941 days ago. link 1 point
Yeah they're all difficult, it's why I chose meteor coming from a non-technical career. It allowed me to not think about all that stuff.

And that's kind of the point, the author is talking to an audience that is new to this. They get frustrated and quit because of said complexity. They're not going to django, they're just dropping out entirely.

This is why posts like this are needed (though echojs is probably not the right audience).