Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 1367 days ago. link 1 point
When generating your droplet, just use your public key instead of a passphrase here, it will allow you to skip several steps.

I would also suggest using dokku and add the letsencrypt plugin once you have your app in place.  Deployment becomes as simple as a Dockerfile and a `git push deploy` from your repository.  It takes a tiny bit of work, and really less than the article's approach.  Note: make sure to run the command to setup the letsencrypt cron job.  And you can set the letsencrypt contact email as a global config entry.

You may want to deploy dokku in your own ubuntu container just so you're more prepared for updates, that said it's pretty straight forward and will allow you to host several applications.

One warning is that if you're using the $5 droplet, you should setup vram.  I tend to go for the $20 droplet, but I can host a dozen small sites without issue and get easy https to boot.
