Echo JS 0.11.0

hodgef 1420 days ago. link parent 1 point
Hello @tracker1! Indeed there is Github Pages integration. You're able to live preview your site in localhost and then publish it to GH pages from within the app

The source is saved in an SQLite database in your local machine, and then on publish the site is built with your theme, minified, the sitemap is created and the site is pushed.

Let me know if you have any questions! Regards


tracker1 1419 days ago. link 1 point
What I was meaning, is it would be nice, if you could backup/store the config/settings in a github repository as well... but this would mean more flat files, as opposed to sqlite... maybe import/export then an auto-import/export github integration for that.
hodgef 1419 days ago. link 2 points
Thanks, I'll look into it! For now there's just the possibility to change the database folder (so you could place the SQLite database in a git tracked directory for example). But import/export would be great. I'm also looking into adding  a migration tool. Thanks for the feedback!