Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 1473 days ago. link 1 point
If you're starting with a green project, and you really want to use Angular and Material Design.  The default components[1][2] from the Angular project implement material design.  You should use them instead of the bootstrap + theme.  The bootstrap material theme is missing some interactive parts and isn't quite right for material.  Namely, the forms and buttons, however there are other bits are just off and not quite right.

If you have an existing project with bootstrap you are trying to update, then in makes more sense, and you may just be better off keeping your bootstrap based components, and updating the (s)css to use the material theme for bootstrap.  I would not recommend starting with Bootstrap with modern frameworks (or bulma and similar css based frameworks).

What I would suggest is starting with component libraries that are component-first with sane styling implementations within the library itself.  I find that material-ui[3] for React is the gold-standard when it comes to component libraries for modern development.

It's important to note that a given component library (such as material-ui) is not the same as Material Design[4] as a design concept.  The libraries implement the design pattern and some do so more closely than others.

