Echo JS 0.11.0

davidchase 3466 days ago. link parent 1 point
Ok you got me on the wording there, it was more of a question to gain insight to what other people are missing from browserify that say webpack provides. To me, and I have had this conversation with multiple people and substack himself mentions it below, browserify itself or via third party support does everything i need and can do a lot of what webpack does, so again I was looking out of curiosity what I am missing.


eskimoblood 3465 days ago. link 1 point
My reason to switch to webpack were two things. First the hot plug for react, where you can live reload reactJs components in your app without loosing the app state. The second was the ability to compile an app in to multiple parts for lazy loading. After a discussion here on echojs, I realize that the later is possible in  browserify as well. 

Which points me to my main problem with browserify, the docs. There is the webpage, the github page + wiki and the browserify handbook. Everyone as long markdown files. So if I want to find out the code splitting feature exists, I have to read all of this to find it in the last part of the handbook. So maybe the homepage should provide more information what browserify offers, beside bundling modules to use in the browser.