Echo JS 0.11.0


tracker1 1236 days ago. link 2 points
I'm just really not a fan of Tailwind and growing less a fan of Bootstrap.  Tailwind in particular uses classes like "text-white" etc, instead of purpose driven classes.

Even then, I'm more of a fan of JSS at this point as it allows for component driven styles that share a common theme.  This means that you can define your color pallets by use/purpose over the name of the color.  It also allows for the exclusion of styles that are no longer used, because a component was dropped or changed.

I always find stale CSS rules when auditing sites... why, because everything, the kitchen sink, the kitchen and the entire condo and the neighboring park tends to get added over time.  I know the purpose of CSS was to separate styling rules from the content for flexibility, and always loved the CSS Zen site for great ideas.  But the fact is that the CSS and the content are tethered together, and even more so in applications.

The way these frameworks work is that there is usually a lot of cruft that builds over time.
devbyrayray 1235 days ago. link 2 points
I wasn't a fan to earlier this year. But when I tried it out, I really liked it! 

It's not that you have to put all the classes in the HTML. They also offer a way to use your own classes with `@apply` 😉

But he, in the end, we all use what we like the most.
badsyntax 1236 days ago. link 1 point
(This website is rather broken.)

I'm using Tailwind in a Next.js app and am exclusively using the css utilities in my css (combined with css modules). I'm basically using Tailwind as a style library (to define my tokens, breakpoints etc).

I don't think I'll ever be convinced to use the utility css classes, I just don't see the benefit.