Echo JS 0.11.0


tracker1 2027 days ago. link 1 point
Interesting project, but wish it would also handle making certain to request additional storage when needed.  Also, the cookie storage should be disabled by default as it can dramatically increase request times to/from the server.  All cookie data needs to be transmitted and parsed by the server on EVERY request.


rant on web-sql ahead

I know that creating a minimal definition for "web sql" was hard, but I'm constantly dissapointed that MS didn't just adopt SQLite at a compatible version for IE/Edge.  They're using it in Windows 10.

In the end it could have been a very pragmatic choice for a lot of this.  For the most part now, I stick to local/session storage interfaces for k/v storage and don't worry about it.  All the current browsers support it, and it's relatively transparent.