Echo JS 0.11.0

zeroandone 1055 days ago. link 3 points
This is absolutely contrary towards empowering more people to become engineers. The primary argument of this article is centered around using theories that, in actual profit driven and business oriented roles, end up being inherently useless. Do most well paying engineering firms care if you can solve some complex riddle that you will never encounter in your day to day job? Of course not. Do they care about building applications that drive customer value, that are performant, and reliable? Yes. The latter has nothing to do with the fundamentals of how a CPU interprets higher level languages into the machine code it understands.

This article dissuages people from attempting to get into a field they are not familiar with. It puts a sense of elitism onto something that is available to everyone if they want it. Education in computer science is not a barrier to being a good engineer, nor is anything but willingness to learn.


tracker1 1054 days ago. link 2 points
Came to say largely the same... about half of the great developers I know started by solving a real problem personally, they learned programming enough to solve their own problems, and it was years later they learned some CS or more structural knowledge.

In the end, creating software is a skill of learning and forgetting as needed at a reasonable pace.  Very few problems are hard engineering or cs problems.