Echo JS 0.11.0

app_dev 1525 days ago. link parent 2 points
I agree. I haven't used <noscript> in a very long time. Seems like only bot traffic would browse the web without JS now days.

Here is a good article from 2018 when someone tried major sites with JS turned off.

I have a few sites (including work sites that use CodeMirror for online code editing) and for those I lazy load since they are large but I to am finding that very few things need it (charts is a good example as I lazy loaded that on an app a few years ago).

For async/await I'm currently staying away except in node scripts or unless I build an app that fully requires modern JS (example web components). I even found issues with the `for ... of ...` with Babel previously so for now I avoid it with my React code that need to run in old browsers.

Here is an Example Web Component app I wrote that requires modern JS only.

Rather than worrying about polyfills it throws up a warning for old browsers. Then by only worry about new browsers I can really target the latest and greatest features, example, the source below uses 'element.querySelectorAll(selector + `:not(:defined)');` which to my knowledge will only work in modern browsers and can't be polyfilled.

export function componentsAreDefined(element, selector = '') {
    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
        const undefinedComponents = element.querySelectorAll(selector + ':not(:defined)');
        if (undefinedComponents.length > 0) {
            const promises = [...undefinedComponents].map(
                c => window.customElements.whenDefined(c.getAttribute('is') || c.localName)
            await Promise.all(promises);
