Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 1541 days ago. link 1 point
Vue + Google Tag Manager === holding old DOM nodes in memory

The fix itself is somewhat sloppy.  That said, it's worth understanding.  Not sure if GTM would do similar with refs if you're using React and tbh, not sure how much value GTM actually adds in practice.  It may really only apply to Vue and GTM combined.

Used to see this type of problem a *LOT* with SPAs in IE prior to version 8, as JS and the HTML renderer were in different memory spaces, so either side holding a handle wouldn't know about the other releasing the reference.  One thing very cool if you used jQuery once it came out, as it would release both sides if you used jQuery for your event binding and DOM manipulation.  This is less of an issue in modern browsers.

In this case, you have two sets of code holding references to DOM nodes, the UI itself and GTM.  I'm unsure if their fix actually breaks GTM and it seems it probably does.  So even then, not sure wth the point is.
