Echo JS 0.11.0

evereq 1836 days ago. link 1 point
Today, most of On-Demand platforms are closed source (think about food delivery marketplace software, for example).

To our knowledge, it's not "most" of such platforms are closed source. In fact, we can't find any single one open-source!!! So, a few years ago we decided to build one ourself and recently open-sourced it completely on Github for others. 

It takes a LOT of effort and love to build such platform. Not only some storefront should be done. Not only Admin UI. But also a separate mobile application for customers (mobile order app), a separate mobile app for carriers / drivers and even another, Tablet based app for merchant... 

We use all latest stack to build such a platform: starting from NodeJS / TypeScript / NestJS / GraphQL on the server and finishing with Ionic 4 and Angular 7 on the client (React Native clients are WIP).

If you found it useful or just cool, please give us a star on Github, it's crazy how motivating it is to see stars count raising up! Thank you!!!
