Echo JS 0.11.0

KATT 2159 days ago. link 1 point

> You can set options by passing them before the script path, via programmatic usage or via environment variables.
> ```
> ts-node --compiler ntypescript --project src/tsconfig.json > hello-world.ts
> ```

Never had the need but it seems to have a `--project` setting. Anyway, I'm sure you'd find a way to work with `ts-node` if you could, so it's no criticism, just curiosity! 🍻


avi.vahl 2156 days ago. link 1 point
Specifying a *single* tsconfig does not fit my current use-case, thus me making this project.

I wanted a solution that "simply works" for me (no configuration needed). It ended up as something that could assist others, so I published it as open-source. :)