Echo JS 0.11.0

goliatone 2554 days ago. link parent 2 points
I agree from a personal stand point that JavaScript fatigue can be self induced. As an example, in my spare time I like to pick up new trends and play with new frameworks or libraries as much as I can. I'm lucky in that professionally I have a high degree of autonomy and I can control the "speed of change" at which new things get adopted and how change affects me.

However, I hear a lot of people exposing very articulate arguments and compelling stories about JavaScript fatigue. And I can understand where they are coming from. But because I am privileged enough as to not be burned out by how quickly "things" change I would not go as far as to say that people who feel that fatigue should blame themselves.

Without putting too much effort I can think of a few situations leading to people feeling this way in which they have no control.

My point was that the article did not address this in any way.
