Echo JS 0.11.0


kirilloid comments

kirilloid 2578 days ago. link 0 point
Yeah, actually apart from those 2 moments, the tests are OK.
Ah, about setTimeout in a loop - better write something like "nine times 10" and "ten times 10" instead of making people count tens "manually".
kirilloid 2578 days ago. link 1 point
What must be done in order to implement Lexical Scoping?

Get the object
Dereference the current scope chain
Reference the current scope chain
one of the mentioned

I've seen lot of tests, but this is really a crazy question.

Also I think beginner doesn't differ very much from intermediate. I got 60, 58 & 59, though.
kirilloid 2631 days ago. link 1 point
I see this uws project too often. I already have seen it FIVE times, how it is fast.
That is enough to be annoying and consider downvoting.
Of course this is not another 100th article "functional programming in JavaScript", but still
kirilloid 2661 days ago. link 1 point
I'd disagree with MaxArt.
There are more things which wouldn't be available in ECMAScript in the next few years:
- types
- all variables *and* object fields are immutable by default
- ADTs & pattern matching
- compile-time auto-currying

Block as expressions (`do` and others) are minor things as well as special keyword for recursive functions or Pascal-like range loops, which do not define key language features.

But I'm still not convinced the language is really useful. We already have tons of languages, including BuckleScript – an Ocaml specifically designed to be compiled into JS.
kirilloid 2661 days ago. link 2 points
Author says that clojurescript is used by the most companies w/o even describing how this usage is performed. No TIOBE, github stars, so what then? Amount of mentions in job postings?
Apart from that good reasoning and points.
kirilloid 2682 days ago. link 1 point
The only thing I don't like about AirBnB's style guide is that they blur the term "style guide" stuffing a lot more into their own.

But from standpoint of eslint rules it almost doesn't matter.
kirilloid 2688 days ago. link 1 point
As a matter of fact, retry it's not very hard to write in pure promises:

    const retry = (fn, times) =>
      times >= 0
      ? fn().catch(() => retry(fn, times-1))
      : fn();
kirilloid 2688 days ago. link 1 point
I don't understand the point of article at all. The only point I see is "Code *looks* like an old code from 80s". So this is bad only because it's not new and shiny? Okay.