Echo JS 0.11.0


jong comments

jong 3770 days ago. link 1 point
After two years of development, Nombo has finally reached version 1 (actually 1.0.2). Version 1.0.2 is more polished and robust - This release includes features such as:
- Allows you to customize just about everything including default error screens.
- Automatically reconnects the app when a client wakes up from a period of inactivity (like when a user's phone/tablet goes to sleep).
- Allows hot reload of server-side Node.js code (SIMs) using kill -SIGUSR2 on the Master process. All session data is maintained across reloads.
- Added a version.node.txt file which lets you easily force an update of client-side resources while in release mode. Whenever you change the number in that file, new connections will be made to use the latest resources (invalidates browser cache).
- Works well across all major browsers.