Echo JS 0.11.0


xFAANG comments

xFAANG 1439 days ago. link 1 point
Hey everyone!

Let us introduce you to AskQL - a new query language that is also a programming language, which makes it revolutionary 🙃

AskQL queries are programs allowing developers to ask the services any complex questions about the data. No more writing multiple endpoints! Finally a relief for frontend-backend integration. Writing distributed software now will be easier and faster than ever 😇

AskQL has been conceived and built by the xFAANG team in just a month ? If you haven’t yet heard of them, you should - xFAANG is a young Polish software company which hires only top IT specialists from companies such as Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google (FAANG).

GraphQL successor built by kickass devs - sounds promising, right?

You can review and test AskQL yourselves - the solution has been published on GitHub under MIT license. If you like it, please recognize their work by “starring” the repo! 🚀