Echo JS 0.11.0


misan comments

misan 1717 days ago. link 1 point
I didn't mean to be harsh.
I know that array functions are the entry drug to functional programming and thus leads to less procedural and unclean code.

But it is enough. Unless you write articles focused on good use-cases and examples in real applications in back-, and front-end, you are just preaching what every developer is already.

misan 1718 days ago. link 1 point
Oh wow. The 20th article about array functions and people are proud of themselves and even ask for my precious money as a tip.

What I despise the most, is how the author disguised a regular article about Array functions, 100 other authors have at least written about, as "how to write clean js". I would have expected more than what I have already read 100 times before.

sere is a real article about writing clean JS for a change:
misan 1754 days ago. link 2 points
How to create a repository everyone can trust:

- Logo and fancy name: Check
- Documentation: It will come later
misan 1912 days ago. link 3 points
We have enough articles about array methods already D:
misan 1919 days ago. link 1 point
misan 2052 days ago. link 1 point
The initial investment is still a bit higher than traditional SSR.

I think isomorphic generated pages are on the rise, but the learn curve to get there and understand that is a bit tough. I think what nuxt does: a mix of SSR and static generated will be highly on demand for its ease of use, once you grasp it, control via one language/framework.

My stack right now is strapi/nuxt.
Or for documentation it is vuepress.