Echo JS 0.11.0


kaszu comments

kaszu 1355 days ago. link 5 points
"Cry"? Grow up

You are artificially increasing upvotes to stay on top, that is a SPAM! If readers would want to see this instead of all other news they would upvote it.

If 20 more people would do what you did then whole "top" page would be filled with the same thing over and over again and make it useless for discovering new and interesting projects or news. But you obviously don't give a shit about EchoJS or its readers.
kaszu 1355 days ago. link 5 points
Once again in less than an hour unnatural number of upvotes.
kaszu 1355 days ago. link 3 points
How is it censored?

That user used bots to keep his project on top for a month.
Not that it finally disappeared from top, that user again posted it and somehow got 13 votes in less than an hour.
Just like this post, which got 7 upvotes in less than an hour. It's clearly not natural upvoting, everyone can see that.

How about you (and I assume this account is just the same user PixelCraft with another account) stop spamming!?
kaszu 1361 days ago. link 4 points

@tracker1 This news item received 70+ votes in first day, and now PixelCraft user admitted he used bots. Since this item has been on top for almost a month and everyone already has seen it, it doesn't have any additional value being in "top" anymore. Not sure how algorithm works, is it possible to now show it in the "top" anymore?
kaszu 1376 days ago. link 2 points
This is not JS

While there is code, there are no instructions how to build it, so there are no instructions to verify that .exe doesn't do anything malicious.