Echo JS 0.11.0


htilford comments

htilford 3437 days ago. link 7 points
I think in an ideal world both exist, with node.js being a more stable lts release cycle and io.js being a more continuous release cycle.  I think there's room for both release styles.
htilford 3947 days ago. link 2 points
A faster VM is the real goal of Dart, it's faster than JS, it even benches faster than Java in some cases.

It's gotten that fast in a lot less time with a lot less code, because it was designed from the start to be optimized for the VM. 

It's a different take on producing a faster VM for the web.  However I doubt it will ever make it past chrome so what's the point.  If you just target chrome you can use Portable Native Client if you need performance.
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