Echo JS 0.11.0


goshakkk comments

goshakkk 2452 days ago. link 1 point
There's not much info because the differences between React and RN are not as major as many people still think, and the primary purpose of the article was to show just how little is actually different.
goshakkk 2690 days ago. link 2 points
The article, however, is about the declarative and data-first approach that React takes to everything and its application to this specific case. It's not a UX piece, it's a tech piece. 

Fwiw, I have a post on instant validations linked in the end.
goshakkk 2773 days ago. link 1 point
Yes, I am giving a pointer to thunks in the end of the article. Still, thunks are no magic and are just a slightly nicer way to avoid explicitly passing in `dispatch` into action creators.