Echo JS 0.11.0


badsyntax comments

badsyntax 376 days ago. link 1 point
The linked stackblitz app doesn't run because `npm run preview` fails
badsyntax 455 days ago. link 1 point
I really don't get the reasons for moving away from npm. package lock conflicts? you should have processes in place to ensure you're all using the same node/npm version. package hoisting? npm workspaces work great.

The author talks about having less issues from moving from npm to yarn, but here they are now moving away from yarn, seemingly just to save space on disk?

Honestly I do think there are more important things to be doing. npm works fine.
badsyntax 944 days ago. link 1 point
Not a fan.

We'll be shipping dead code, bloating our client side code. Solution to that? Strip these comments are part of a build step. Ok, but then, what benefit does this provide?
badsyntax 991 days ago. link 3 points
Explain the connection with JavaScript please as I just don't see it.
badsyntax 1026 days ago. link 9 points
We don't care. Why you are complaining about this on echojs?
[comment deleted]
badsyntax 1043 days ago. link 2 points
Not sure why you need to use ALL CAPS but there are indeed some good tips in here 👍